Friday 13 December 2013

A Tranformation

A few dollars and a few months of rubble later.......

The designer and contractor I worked with came in to take a few photos last month. 

These are the first batch and I shall be adding some of my own later.

A complete transformation from what I purchased. It was a long hard slog, full of nasty surprises, extra costs (as ever), and living under a pile of rubble with no kitchen and only the bathrooms upstairs on the top floor for 3 months.

A Bathroom - at last!

A bathroom that beats any hotel, any time!

The Master Bedroom

A bedroom, with no nasty pipes showing

A snappy Kitchen and Dining Room

Outdoor Living

And an outdoor Kitchen and Breakfast area

A Basement transformed - light and airy

A basement full of light and laughter - well, when there's a game on. 


Then some living room and outdoor tranquility


A Boy's Bedroom and Slug (when I sort out the other pictures)

A few brochure collages

Saturday 10 December 2011

Tearing up a house

Well, it all started back in 2011, with a hammer, some incense and a bag of sugar.

Then it was three days of rather noisy hacking, a few more ripping out wardrobes, kitchens and not to mention the bathrooms.

Did I mention BATHROOMS?

The Master Bathroom

There was the wall, or what was supposed to be a wall, behind the sink area, with patchy plaster and no waterproofing. Lovely build quality.

So - add a few more dollars onto the reno costs - and I had a wall, waterproofed.

Then I decided to move the loo, and the shower, and a few other things. Extra plumbing costs.

Still, I got a rather funky bathroom.

The Master Bedroom

I mentioned wardrobes as well, I think? What a novel idea, an aircon intake vent and piping and a drain pipe running through the top cupboards of the wardrobe. Had to just cover these up - too much expense to rework them. Having done that before, it eats the budget.

Not the perfect bedroom wardrobe, but better than what was there before.

The Basement

Will this ever be a den? I mean, yuck.

The Front Veranda and Entrance

This was under the veranda, even the front doors don't close or open properly. What a nightmare.

The Dining Room

Will this ever be a dining room I'd want to use?

The Kitchen: What lurks beneath!

And then the kitchen. The stuff lurking behind the cupboards was of nightmare quality.

The Basement and Den

This looked more like a damp sandpit than a games room with a glass ceiling you could stand on!

The Laundry

And then there was the laundry and where the helper was going to sleep.

Boy's rooms

Jason's Rooms

Max got the larger room but it was still a mess